Newsletter #96
There’s another nice Why Blue in this issue as well as all the usual features. The main thing I want to address in the editorial is the MCIVTA T-shirts. John Shearer needs to get a firm commitment from people wanting shirts so that we can set the printing in motion. Please take a look at the article in this issue and mail John to see whether we can get together enough orders. Please note that even if you’ve expressed an interest to me, Svenn or John previously, if you want a T-shirt then you must mail John!
The rumour mill is still grinding away but nothing concrete has happened as yet. I’ll just finish off by tossing this rumour into the pot: apparently Big Fat Ron has been sighted at the Academy, work that one out!!!!
The MCIVTA T-shirts will be printed shortly. The design chosen was essentially number 4 on the WWW (‘Manchester city mailing list’ link then ‘samples‘ link). The colour will hopefully be close to MCFC Blue with a black City crest on the front plus a zig-zag line with dot, which is meant to represent both the Alps and the internet. This zig-zag line will also be on the back. On the front in maroon will be “MCIVTA” above the crest and “INFO VIA THE ALPS” below the crest. On the back will be “INTERNET BLUES”. This may be subject to slight variation.
The cost will be
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About The Author
The Editorial team of consist of several people. Typically news and information that is provided by a third part will be distributed by the "Editor". Phil Alcock is the current Editor in Chief of the MCIVTA newsletter.