Newsletter #1103
Tonight’s edition is dominated by one issue, the departure on Thursday night of Keegan after almost four years in charge.
There is little to add to what people have eloquently expressed here tonight, except thanks Keegan for restoring our pride and good luck Pearce!
Next game: Tottenham Hotspur, away, 3pm Saturday 19 March 2005OPINION: FAREWELL KK I
On the news that Kevin is to leave us, I feel that a few “thank you’s” are in order.
First of all, I would like to thank Kevin for raising the profile of our club to a level that we could not have expected just a few short years ago.
Irrespective of the so called football we are watching at the moment, I am positive that without his influence we would be in a far inferior position than we are now, I don’t think there are many of our numerous managers that have left us in that position.
You may, and probably will, argue that a lot of the players he has brought in have not filled the bill, from Weah to McManaman there have been disasters, but they only came to us because of Keegan (and the money of course). And that’s one of the things he gave us, the credibility to attract big name players.
I would also like to thank him for his after match talks with Sky, quite often more entertaining than the matches, but always honest and exhibiting his passion for the game and his ethos about how the game should be played.
Finally, I would like to thank Kevin for going now; as far as I was concerned the best interests of the club were that he either went now or signed an extension, and not the inbetween thing. We have enough games left this season for Stuart Pearce to show his credentials for the job, and hopefully provide us with the continuity that we need.
I know it won’t happen, because it just doesn’t, but I would like Kevin to be at our next home game so that we can express our thanks to him, because the one most important thing that I think he gave us, was our self respect back again.
Keep the faith.
[Weah was a Royle signing! – Ed]
It was with mixed emotions that I heard of Kevin Keegan’s departure from the club. As far as I can make out, City fans are by no means unanimous that he should go, but overall I believe the right decision has been taken.
This morning I saw an interview with Tony Gale, who suggested that Keegan found it incomprehensible that some players could go out on the pitch and not give their all. Those of us old enough to remember Kevin as a player know full well that that charge could never be levelled at him.
Gale also wondered if Keegan was cut out for management. There have been several instances lately when our manager’s body language implied that he wasn’t enjoying the job. There have been some amazingly poor sorties into the transfer market. There have been one or two occasions when he has allowed other managers and reporters to get under his skin. On top of that we have the foolish announcement that he would leave the club at the end of next season, which left the club in an impossible position. Should they give him money to go out and buy more Vuosos? His successor would have been stuck with whatever purchases Kevin had been able to buy.
I began by saying I had mixed emotions at today’s news. Anyone who believes that Keegan has been bad for the club should sit down and watch the video “Back to the Premiership”. It’s not that long ago that City were demolishing most of the opposition and playing fine, attacking Keegan-style football. Keegan was open in his dealings with the press and gave our club a positive image. He came across as a nice person. I don’t buy the idea that nice people never win anything – remember Joe Mercer? I feel he has been badly let down by some of the players he bought and has on occasion been too timid in introducing some of our good youngsters. I’m also not convinced that he had the best available assistants.
With thanks to Kevin for what he has done for our club, it is now time to look for a successor (I have the impression that Kevin’s departure was rather sudden and that no successor was lined up – at least not before the end of the season). All the usual suspects have already been mentioned (Dowie, Strachan, Allardyce) plus a couple of surprises: the ultra-smooth George Graham and the excitable Martin O’Neill. I know which of those I would prefer, but whoever gets the job will have my full support – at least until he buys back Vuoso.
David Buxton <dbbuxton(at)>OPINION: FAREWELL KK III
Pride restored. Job done. Thanks for the memories Kev! The time was right and you can leave with your head held high and all our thanks. I have seen the majority of your games in charge, home and away in the Premiership. And you have given us our pride back. I wish you all the best and you will always be welcome back for me.
All the best for Psycho, you’ll have the team off the pitch right behind you. A nine game mini-season. Go for it!
Whatever you do, stay Blue!
Dave Clinton <daveclinton(at)>OPINION: FAREWELL KK IV
So, news has come through this morning that KK has decided to leave the club by mutual consent. I can’t say it’s a big surprise given his recent statement that he will leave the job if the board want him to.
I have mixed emotions of the time he has spent with City – he obviously brought us promotion and a Division One title, but apart from that, it has been very much of an anti-climax. 9th in the Premiership being the highest position and the rest of the time seemingly struggling for survival. Not to mention our all-too-brief European excursion ending with defeat at the hands of the mightly Groclin!
The problem with KK is that he never seemed to be able to motivate the team for games against the so-called “poorer-quality” clubs. Defeat against Bolton on Monday was the last straw, with City not even mustering an attempt on target. Granted we were hit by injuries, but we should have had enough quality in the team (and also in players such as Lee Croft, Stephen Jordan, who could be good players given a chance) to get a result. I have watched Lee Croft since he was playing for England Under 15s and he looked a quality player and have been looking forward to him getting his chance in the first team. We have players who are doing well in the reserves, such as Lee, B W-P and even Karl Bermingham who possibly could be given a run out.
Rumour has it that “Ginger-Whinger” Gordon Strachan could be coming to the club – God forbid! Why would we want an ex-Red who has had little success as a manager at the club? We need someone with a bit of fire, a bit of passion and ideally an affinity to the club. Martin O’Neill would be an ideal candidate as he has proven that he can work with a “half decent” team like Leicester and bring in players on a shoestring budget. The only problem being that there is no cash available for players – Bosmans only. Another name is Sam Allardyce, although I’m not sure he would leave Bolton who are aiming for Europe on 2 fronts. I like Stuart Pearce – he has the fire and the passion and certainly is a favourite at City, but I wonder if we need someone with a bit of experience for the next year or two to get us back on track?
The club is obviously in need of a serious cash injection and needs to make efforts in that direction over the summer. I can’t see us having a chance next season with the players we have and we need to clear out some of the dead wood, reduce the wage bill and try and get some new faces in to freshen up the team. Not players like Kiki Musampa, who so far have brought nothing to the team, but established players in good form who want a challenge. If that means signing First Division players, then that’s what it’ll have to be.
So all in all, it is with mixed emotion that I say goodbye to KK – he will never be forgotten at City but if he is honest, he will agree that it was his time to go.
Mark Beresford <mark25787(at)>OPINION: FAREWELL KK V
I love Keegan and what he has done for the club; we’ve come a long way in a short space of time and I would like to thank him for his contribution to our club. It’s fair to say he’s established us as a Premier League club and we are not far away from being where we believe we are entitled to be.
However, I think the inevitable has finally happened because how can the club justify giving him money to spend in the summer when he was adamant about leaving in 2006 – that I think left the board with no alternative but to consider whether it was worth him staying on.
Moving forward, where do we go from here? At the time of writing (9.45 on Friday) I’ve already heard O’Neill, Strachan, Allardyce, Ranieri, Robson (Bobby that is!) and Dowie linked with the job!
I’m not going to mention who I think should replace Keegan yet because it’s too soon and I think the best thing the club can do is give Pearce a go until the end of the season. We really have to get Keegan’s successor right because the foundations are there and we are not far from being a firmly established top ten side in my opinion. Similarly, we are not far from being a side that would struggle in the bottom half either; the line is that fine nowadays, hence the importance of bringing someone in who has the right pedigree and that the squad can respect.
Graham Keller <gkmcfc(at)>OPINION: FAREWELL KK VI
I thought I was dreaming. Some blathering idiot from Talk Sh**e pontificating about KK’s replacement. Surely it couldn’t be? He hadn’t had he? He had, as well – gone. So I spent the rest of the morning singing ‘Walking In Keegan Wonderland’ over and over again. To recap, I love him because of the derby victories, that first season in the Premiership, the Elk, SWP, and those classic post-match interviews. He wore his heart on his sleeve and I respected that, especially in this age of bland post-match musings. But he is gone and, to be honest I am delighted.
I had said it at Xmas to anyone who would listen, that the board needed to ease KK out and give Pearce a chance. Certain things were staring us in the face. The team lacked preparation for matches. This was clear in some of the poor attempts at breaking down opposition sides at COMS, and in some of the results that followed. KK had lost his appetite for the job. He seemed a man going through the motions, and at times I wondered whether he was just waiting for that tap on the shoulder from Wardle. I look to the cup exits this season as pivotal moments for our club. Those exits were totally unacceptable. Totally.
So to the future – or at least the last 9 games of this season. I’m delighted Pearce has been given the nod. I’m also delighted that Wardle reiterated the fact that there is “…no managerial vacancy at Manchester City. We have a manager.” This leaves no room for uncertainty amongst the squad. A lot of them will be playing for their futures and that is no bad thing right now. It was nice to see Pearce so passionate (when is he not passionate?) about making the job his full time. I want him to succeed. Wouldn’t it be nice for him to turn out to be the tactical genius we’ve been crying out for in the last few years?
If, for whatever reasons, the board decide in the summer to bring someone in, then for me there is a very short, shortlist, of 3 candidates they should look at. Paul Le Guen from Lyon. Iain Dowie. And obviously Martin O’Neill. Personally I think there are strong arguments for all of them being tempted by the job. Whoever is in charge come the summer though, will have a massive task on their hands. There’s a raft of players who I think we will see leave COMS in the summer (McMinimum, Bosvelt, Sinclair, Sibs, and Musampa), which will leave our squad painfully small. Next will come the inevitable bids for our best players. No doubt Newcastle will come knocking again for Distin, and no doubt both Chelsea and Arsenal will start tapping SWP up. It’s going to be a very big summer for us because it will shape the next few seasons. My hopes are that first and foremost, we can resist any and all bids, however stupid they are, for Shaun. There’s simply no reason to sell him this summer. He still has three years left on his contract. He’s only going to improve as a player and become even more valuable, and he is the heartbeat of our team. Rather I’d be looking at finding some small investment in the club which can release around 10 million pounds for new players. It’s not a huge amount of money, but the market in the summer isn’t as harsh as it is in January, and there is simply no way that whoever is in charge of the purse strings, will be allowed to make the kind of expensive mistakes KK made.
It’s a big couple of months ahead for some of our younger players. I have a feeling Nedum, Crofty, and BWP will all be given a run in the side. I’m confident that both Nedum and BWP, with the right tactics, can make an instant impression, and I’m sure Crofty could do the same but I’ve not seen enough of him to really make that call.
Whatever happens, the board must resist the temptation to sell our best players. We may not have much money to spend, but equally, we’re not broke. Any new manager must be given a season and some resources to bring in a few new faces. We have the nucleus of a very good Premiership side, so let’s build on it.
Ahsan Naeem <ahsann(at)>OPINION: FAREWELL KK VII
Well not long after KK said he’ll see out his contract, then the goalposts change (pun intended) and now we have the one and only Psycho Pearce in charge. To be frank (no, not Clark), I think this can only be a good idea and a change for the club. I don’t think having a manager in charge who says that they are leaving at a specific date can be good for the morale of the team, as explained by a former manager Brian Horton on Sky Sports News: what if we had made Europe (no laughing in the back there) – would he still have left, considering the position we would potentially be in? I hate to draw this parallel but circumstances I think permit it, but when ‘ol Hubba Bubba from across the City said he was leaving, the Rangers of Trafford had a dreadful time (Oh how I hark for those days again) so I think that installing Stuart Pearce as the man at the helm is a fantastic idea for several reasons.
- He will be more inclined to use youth players as we have no real chanceof relegation and no real chance of Europe considering our inconsistency,so this will get the likes of Beep, D’Layrea, Jordan, Onouha and otherfringe players the chance to prove themselves at the top.
- This, linked with fact we have an extraordinarily small squad consideringour league status, will swell our team size and therefore players will bemore inclined to fight for their places, and with the odd couple of facesmaybe disappearing like Steve McManaman (I wish that one had turned outbetter) then this will be better for the club.
- Would you like to get on the wrong side of Pearce?
Although Pearce is inexperienced in this position (hey, everybody needs to start somewhere), I think that the continuity that his placement is having will be more effective in the long run, than bringing in a manager who wants to do this and that; by that I mean wanting money to buy players and considering our rumored financial situation this wouldn’t be prudent business. There have been rumours of O’Neill, which as a manager he is fantastic, he has experience and the pull, but when he’s at his dream job now why would he want to move? I think that bringing in a manager now other than Pearce would affect the club further in the long run, something that we do not wish to happen as fans; we need stability and I think giving Pearce the job in the long run will be better. So here’s hoping he can prove his worth over the next remaining fixtures and by doing so will end speculation quickly so as to get the pesky media off our backs.
Gareth Croke <garethcroke(at)>OPINION: FAREWELL KK VIII
Kev has gone and for once the timing is right; we can now look at Pearce and judge him accordingly. Forget the nonsense in the press, they all slate Keegan then say how much he’ll be missed in football!
He did a good job, great buys early but they went downhill and we are drifting now. We are a Premiership club and that is progress. My main concern is that McIntosh said we only need to sell 10 thousand season tickets to meet the payments on £40 odd million of debt, the remaining say £18 million isn’t that bad so why must we sell SWP, which would wipe this out? Why is there no money to spend? We have spent the least money over the last 12 months; if this continues for the next 12 we will be in a relegation fight regardless of who is in charge.
Are we once again being lied to by the club? We sold our best player and the next best is going. How many tickets were sold by the March deadline? Think this played a big part in Kev’s leaving.
Alistair Shaw <shawalistair(at)>OPINION: FAREWELL KK IX
Well you sort of knew it would happen, but when it did it was a real shock. Say what you like about Kevin Keegan, but to me he was like a breath of fresh air; pity some of his players didn’t have the same attitude.
He had his failings, and he’d be the first to admit that, but it hasn’t been a bad journey and I thank him for that. In New Zealand when I first heard he’d signed for the club I have supported since my early years, I was rapt, everything about Kevin Keegan was true through the nearly four years, good and bad, the great results and the ones that made you cringe, but overall we have a lot to be grateful for from a person that seems far more genuine than some of his players. You can blame managers for bad results etc., but it seems the players never really take the same blame.
So Kevin, thanks for everything, we’re still in the Premiership and at the end of the day that’s all that matters. It feels like we have lost a friend.
Over the last two days I’ve read a lot about what’s been said and done, and I wonder who the bl**dy hell David James thinks he is?
So Kevin Keegan didn’t set decent targets. Big deal! Can’t these prima donna football players be just a bit professional and take a bit of pride in their work, they shouldn’t need to be set targets, goals etc. Maybe Kevin Keegan knew more about the players than they knew about themselves.
Although I’m glad we signed David James, he’s half the ‘keeper big Joe Corrigan was. It’s time to shut up David and concentrate on playing, let’s see how good you really are.
You got luv City (what other club shoots themselves in the foot as much as we do!)
Kevin Williamson <scribbs(at)>OPINION: FAREWELL KK X
Moved to pass a few words on Keegan’s departure, if only because everyone you know when something like this happens phones you up to ask you what you think as a fan.
Let’s face facts – this was always going to happen, and Kev put himself in the firing line with his comments throughout this season. He has always been a heart on his sleeve kind of guy, and in the cutthroat media world now, was always going to say something for the papers at some point. He never toed to media line and was always exposed as a result.
Let’s not forget he was constantly undermined by factions in the club – Anelka and Berkovic come to mind. Essentially Kev was a man on the pitch – a coach, not a manager, and if he was losing the dressing room as was rumoured last year with his ‘back problems’ then his last bastion of support was waning.
He did a fantastic job for us – Joe Royle got us out of the mire of Division 2 (still admire him for that despite his petulance over severance pay), Kev made us an exciting team in Division 1 and to some extent in the Premiership. My big concern is that does he leave us with a flabby squad that ‘Joe Royle 2’ – Pearce/Dowie/Strachan etc., need to prune harshly, to allow the youth team and new buys to come through, and have we got the time to do that? We need to take one step back to take two forward next season.
It looks like Pearce has the board’s backing for the season – he should start to show his own position, and clear down the deadwood – we all have our views – and give a few others a chance, those that have shown so far from the youth squad have proved themselves, and have learned from the experience.
What we lack on the pitch is the experience and driving force that Pearce brought to us – Bosvelt and Barton come to mind, but both have issues – age and attitude respectively. If some of that never say die spirit is instilled throughout the squad, as fans we would be happier and as a club we would be stronger.
From the consistency we started to show in the last 5 years (OK inferior opposition mostly), the last 2 have got us back to the old City of us not knowing which team will turn up at 3pm.
The club has made a brave decision – and I think the right one for now – Pearce may or may not be the right man – let’s give him the chance, but he must stamp his authority on the team to win our confidence. He can’t spend any money, so we have nothing to lose here.
Please, please, please let’s have no Graham, O’Neill, Ranieri talk – O’Neill will never come (but I wouldn’t say no!) and the others are not right for us – we need some strength, and Stuart gives us as much chance of delivering that as Dowie or Strachan would.
Let’s give him our support – he has never let us down, so we owe him that.
Ian Barton <ibarton(at)>OPINION: FAREWELL KK XI
I’ve always found that Keegan could ‘manage’ when throwing money about like nobody’s business, making a bit of class go a long way at the lower levels, but when the going got tough he couldn’t always motivate his ‘classy’ buys.
I regret his insistence and patience in playing his scouse mafia and foreign legion and constantly ignoring the claims of our vaunted academy. All credit to Joey Barton and Sweep in persevering and making it. How many more talents have been frustrated and discouraged along the way?
Thank you Kevin for a thunderous season in the lower level, a couple of derby wins and, erm, precious little else!
As a player you were one of the greats, but as a ‘top’ manager, at all the places you’ve been, you’ll always remain the nearly man.
Bye bye, enjoy the golf!
David J. Lyons <D.Lyons(at)>OPINION: FAREWELL KK XII
It took me much longer than most to say it was best for City and KK to part company. Now that it has happened I feel a deep sadness inside; to me he never was a failure.
It all started to go wrong when he said he would never sign another contract. This told me he was not really happy at his job as manager of Manchester City. For the sake of MCFC and its future it was best to part company, for KK was never going to be part of the future beyond his contract. At one time I read a posting that KK might still sign a new contract after his 5 years, a new negotiated contract; I then thought well there is still hope, but KK came out and squashed that idea saying no it would never happen.
Kevin Keegan did a lot of good for City, his attacking style of play, beating United, the only team to beat Chelsea in the EPL. He did bring us all a lot of hope; if only he could have had the extra money to have bought a striker during the last transfer window.
Sure, he bought a lot of misfit players, but so have other managers. Had he got the real funds, he could have built City into a top side, but he knew like many other clubs it’s tough to try and play catch up with the top teams who have been playing in Europe for a few years. The rich get richer, the rest struggle and he knew it, and said it.
I felt KK should have done more with the youngsters, but he of course knew a lot more that I, being with them every day.
I thank Kevin Keegan for all he did for City, and for all his honest efforts, the exciting football, the good times.
The new manager will find it tough, we are a restless bunch of supporters craving for some silverware that we have not seen for years, and living in the shadows of our neighbours who have the success, and the money to buy it.
Kevin Keegan now go relax, win some horse races and spend some quality time with Jean, you deserve some luck! Thank you.
Ernie Barrow <britcityblue(at)>OPINION: CITYITIS
An open letter to some sections of our support.
Dear City “fan”,
Congratulations! Having got rid of the most exciting striker that we have had for many a year, you have now destroyed my dreams by persuading our most charismatic and visionary manager to leave.
Perhaps it’s now time to take stock. What is this “beautiful game” really about?
In your eyes nothing matters except the points. Let’s have a team of Joey Bartons: tough, committed and hard working, grinding out a boring result week after week and keeping us comfortably mid-table.
I know what I want. To be entertained by a team (or preferably two) with a blend of imported stars and home-grown talent that I can admire (as I did, watching AC Milan earlier in the week) for a couple of hours and then talk about for the rest of the week. If the stars sulk or throw their toys out of the pram, so be it, they wouldn’t be stars otherwise. Of-course, I want my team to win but not at all costs and there is always next week.
I know that, with the limited resources available to us, it is only a dream but Kevin Keegan, at least, tried to fulfil it. A lot of the time he failed but, when he did succeed, was it not bliss and worth waiting for?
So, dear “fan”, who do you turn to now? You’re doing all right with Macca and Trevor Sinclair; they will be gone soon. Robbie is the obvious target, I think, with Danny Mills, Sibierski, Sommeil, Reyna and Bosvelt not too far behind. James is dropping a few isn’t he, Distin is slowing down and soon Jihai Sun will be good for a laugh. Oh; and don’t forget Shaun. Isn’t he showing signs of getting a bit big for his boots?
All these players have shown great talent and skills, in the past. It can’t all disappear overnight, can it? Of course not, their performance depends on the support they receive from the other players and encouragement from you, the “fan”. Do make sure that you don’t give them this, otherwise what fun is left?
Keep up the good work, you will soon get rid of these supporters who are stupid enough to think that football is “beautiful” and leave more room for you; the real “fan”.
Yours sincerely,
Fred Rosenfeld <fred(at)>OPINION: CANDIDATES
Forget Gordon Strachan. I was reading the very moving authobiography of Neil Young last weekend (that’s our own “Nelly”, not his rock singer namesake) and was amazed to learn that the American crooner Johnny Mathis is a City fan. His hits, how could anybody forget, include the very appropriate “Too much, too little, too late” and “The twelfth of never”. With a pedigree like that, I think Mr. Mathis is the man to take over from Keegan.
CTID, Bob Sleigh <Robert.Sleigh(at)>OPINION: PAYOFFS
Anyone know whether Keegan was paid off with the money recovered from Joe Royle? Seems to have left uncommonly quickly after that was decided.
Glad he’s gone on the past two seasons’ showing, but shame he couldn’t have gone out with a win after his early successes.
Hope we get Dowie (can’t see O’Neill being interested unfortunately); hope to God we don’t get Strachan.
Martin Preston <martin(at)>OPINION: MACKEN
What’s the word on Blackley’s finest? He doesn’t seem to be even making the bench these days. Just a thought.
Andy <fastandyj(at)>REQUEST: PEARCE PROFILE
I don’t know about other “international” subscribers but I would be really interested in a profile of Pearce. I don’t know a great deal about him. He is called “Psycho” isn’t he? Why?
[If anyone can oblige with a bio, I am sure we’d all appreciate that – Ed]
Chris Cobb <cobsun(at)>REQUEST: SPURS TICKETS
Desperately seeking 2 tickets for Spurs. Put request in last edition with phone number but subsequently contrived to lose phone!
Apologies to anyone who called. Still looking for tickets – number now is 020 7150 8020 (w) or 020 7483 4413 (h).
Hopefully, Simon Hope <simonjhope(at)>REQUEST: FAILSWORTH BLUES
Failsworth branch of the OSC will be holding an annual Guest Evening with Q&A session on Monday 4th April, when their special guests will be Brian Horton, Ian Brightwell, others to be announced and hosted by James H Reeve. The event will be at the Willow Tavern on Ashton Road East and commences at 7.30pm. Entrance is by ticket only costing £3 and including supper. For more details please contact me at the address below.
The Baguley and Brooklands branch of the OSC now have their own website. For all the branch ticket and coach travel information, make the website your first stop. Also information on our junior members, branch socials and City Ladies. Membership forms available online.
Steve Croft <steve.sc21(at)>RESULTS
League table to 13 March 2005 inclusive
HOME AWAY OVERALL P W D L F A W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts 1 Chelsea 28 10 3 0 25 3 12 2 1 28 6 22 5 1 53 9 44 71 2 Manchester Utd 29 10 4 0 26 7 8 5 2 21 10 18 9 2 47 17 30 63 3 Arsenal 29 9 5 1 39 17 9 2 3 28 15 18 7 4 67 32 35 61 4 Everton 29 9 1 5 16 14 6 5 3 18 16 15 6 8 34 30 4 51 5 Liverpool 28 9 1 3 23 10 4 3 8 18 20 13 4 11 41 30 11 43 6 Bolton Wndrs 29 6 4 4 17 12 6 3 6 20 22 12 7 10 37 34 3 43 7 Middlesbrough 29 7 5 2 22 14 4 4 7 21 25 11 9 9 43 39 4 42 8 Charlton Ath. 28 7 2 4 21 15 4 5 6 11 23 11 7 10 32 38 -6 40 9 Tottenham H. 28 6 3 5 27 19 5 3 6 8 12 11 6 11 35 31 4 39 10 Aston Villa 29 8 3 4 23 13 2 5 7 11 24 10 8 11 34 37 -3 38 11 Newcastle Utd 28 7 4 4 24 21 2 6 5 16 23 9 10 9 40 44 -4 37 12 Manchester City 29 5 5 5 17 13 4 4 6 17 19 9 9 11 34 32 2 36 13 Birmingham City 29 5 4 5 17 12 3 4 8 14 25 8 8 13 31 37 -6 32 14 Blackburn R. 28 3 7 4 16 18 4 3 7 9 18 7 10 11 25 36 -11 31 15 Fulham 28 5 3 6 16 21 3 3 8 17 25 8 6 14 33 46 -13 30 16 Portsmouth 29 6 2 6 19 19 2 4 9 12 26 8 6 15 31 45 -14 30 17 Crystal Palace 29 5 3 7 15 13 1 5 8 17 32 6 8 15 32 45 -13 26 18 Southampton 29 4 9 2 22 19 0 3 11 8 25 4 12 13 30 44 -14 24 19 West Brom A. 28 3 7 5 13 21 0 5 8 12 28 3 12 13 25 49 -24 21 20 Norwich City 29 3 5 7 23 31 0 6 8 6 27 3 11 15 29 58 -29 20With thanks to Football 365
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[13] Where can I find a list of City-related websites?
Try Wookie’s Lair:
The views expressed in MCIVTA are entirely those of the subscribersand there is no intention to represent these opinions as being thoseof Manchester City Football Club, nor of any of the companies anduniversities by whom the subscribers are employed. It is not inany way whatsoever connected to the club or any other relatedorganisation and is simply a group of supporters using this mediumas a means of disseminating news and exchanging opinions.