Category: Why Blue

Andy Lamb

Why Blue? Well, as it’s the Summer and there’s very little Blue news about, thought I’d get round to writing a ‘Why Blue’ First and foremost, it was
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Bob Campbell

Why Blue? The answer should be obvious to most of the subscribers. Because they are the only team worth supporting, at least that’s what I tell my wife
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Roly Allen

Why Blue? I’m from a totally football-allergic family in West London and have no distant memories of football-related activities at all except that my best friend when little,
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Mike Thomas

Why Blue? Pure and simple this one: Peter Barnes wiggling his way down the wing while playing for England – up until then I was a forest fan
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Russell Town

Why Blue? As a five-year old I was a victim of “Red Fever” (The Liverpool strain, not the new, more dangerous Rag kind). My Granny, bless her, thinking
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