Below you’ll find lyrics to many songs related to Manchester City and their current and former teams and players. Quite a few songs have been created during the years and we hope that this page will be enjoyable for the fans and we encourage you to submit songs that you know are being sung at matches that is not currently in this page. Just comment or send us an email containing the lyrics and we’ll post it on this page.

One can clearly see how the songs have changed from a very elegant, hymn like text in the 50ies and 60ies over to a more violent and explicit style in the 70ies. During the 80ies and 90ies the lyrics got shorter and had less variation. Perhaps the introduction of all seaters took away some of the atmosphere and to get everyone singing you had to make the text really easy to follow. “Blue Moon” is the most common song today, and in it’s full version it shows a glimpse of how elegant the singing could be in the 50ies. Also the short period with “Wonderball” (1996) shows some signs of improvement.

In this page you will not find any of the Munich songs. Although they have a place in the history of City lyrics we don’t feel they add something positive to the game. The Munich songs are still being performed by a small group of fans. Still these songs does nothing to put the players in the right mood, and they also show disrespect to the victims of that tragic accident, where one of Citys greatest players ever also lost his life.

Some of the older songs

Some of the newer songs from the silverware era
