Newsletter #78
We have some interesting news and another Why Blue, this time from the very old John Shearer (his words!). Also, we are trying to meet up on Saturday for a jar before the Newcastle game; anyone fancying coming along can take a look at the ASCII map courtesy of the multi-talented Paul Howarth 8-)). I’ll put another MCIVTA out on Thursday if there is sufficient material, so if you want one, get writing! I’ll be flying Thursday evening and returning on Monday so the next but one MCIVTA will most likely be on Tuesday 2nd May.
This one reaches 243.
Next game Newcastle United at home, Saturday 29th April 1995.
The MEN suggest Vonky is likely to be fined for his reported comments in a Sunday newspaper with angry BH having already spoken to the Chairman. I actually read the article with Vonk reported as saying Horton is a really bad coach who he cannot work with, that the players prefer a flat back four but BH won’t listen and continues to mess about with no consistency etc. Vonky believes BH will quit or get sacked in the summer even if we stay up. I couldn’t agree with Vonky more, hope he is right, but let’s hope Vonky quickly follows him out of Maine Road.
It was also reported that Vonk was angry City turned down a
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About The Author
The Editorial team of consist of several people. Typically news and information that is provided by a third part will be distributed by the "Editor". Phil Alcock is the current Editor in Chief of the MCIVTA newsletter.