Mike Owen
Why Blue?
Can’t say why really. Just happened way back in the sixties. All my cousins, uncles aunties etc. were avid Man Utd supporters so why did I turn Blue? If anyone had a claim to be a true Man Utd supporter it was me. Born in Hope Hospital, lived in Eccles, went to school in Salford even went to Old Trafford with some mates to see the likes of Best, Stiles, Charlton etc. But why Blue? Just wanted to be different. See the look on people’s faces when I told them proudly I was a Man City supporter. The resolve and admiration grew the more I was ridiculed. And, believe me, living on that side on Manchester with a largely Irish Catholic family it was tantamount to heresy supporting the Blues. But they were glorious days. Bell was my idol. Goes without saying really. Over the years as my younger sister and brother grew up they too became City supporters. My sister even married an avid Blue so he passed the “so you want to marry our little sister?” test although I’m sure there were other reasons for her marrying him.
I now live in Adelaide (South Australia) and follow them as best I can via MCIVTA, Soccernet, Football365 and whatever else. I’m fiercely patriotic towards Manchester and I hope Man Utd do the treble. Living out here it’s great to see Manchester featured prominently in the news and the treble would certainly do that for us. So, let’s look further than “I hate Man Utd” and be proud of Manchester full stop. Of course, the day City play ManU I’ll be screaming every obscenity under the sun at the Red Scum.
First printed in: MCIVTA Newsletter #501 on
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The Editorial team of mcivta.com consist of several people. Typically news and information that is provided by a third part will be distributed by the "Editor". Phil Alcock is the current Editor in Chief of the MCIVTA newsletter.