The Aragon Fragoso Family

Why Blue?

This is just a short note to greet all of you from Mexico. But let me tell you a bit about us. We used to live in England – Guildford and Horsham where from this last place we met our very good friends, the Glossops, who are strong and proud Man City supporters. Therefore, Maximiliano our 8-year-old boy (the British one in the family), became a Man City supporter.

Maxi was registered as partially sighted due to his Congenital Nystagmus condition. Nevertheless he is a happy, lively and footbally boy, who strongly supports England’s national team, Mexico’s national team, Monarcas Morelia team (Alejandro’s hometown football club) and yeah! of course he is a Man City supporter.

It’s not easy for us to get even through the Internet Man City products, but our friends have sent a video and a T-shirt from their boys. I have to tell you that Maxi has memorised that 2001 Season MC video, although it’s the only British football video he’s got he doesn’t get tired of keep watching it over and over again.

So, last February 22nd, Maxi was 8, and he absolutely wanted his party about MC theme. But he just could be dressed up on Man City uniform, and we decorated his cake with MC badge!

So here it goes, hopefully people over there enjoy it.

First printed in: MCIVTA Newsletter #1430 on


The Aragon Fragoso Family